Our voice is capable of making lots of different sounds which share acoustic similarities and laryngeal gestures, voice specialists discovered (see CVT Research Site). After further research, the Complete Vocal Institute came up with for different vocal modes that show different characters, different limitation and different settings.
Learning about these vocal modes and mastering them (in a healthy way) will give you more choices when singing and assist you in getting the expression you want as an artist.
“The use of the voice can be divided into four vocal modes: Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive and Edge. The modes differ by having different amounts of metal and different characters. The modes also have individual advantages and disadvantages in relation to pitch, volume and vowels. Most singing problems occur because of incorrect use of the modes. Each mode has a certain character, as well as advantages and limitations.
To avoid mistakes and technical problems, it is important to know and control the modes, to use their advantages and to respect their limitations. It is also important to be able to change freely between the modes in order to make the most of their advantages. You can change smoothly, or make abrupt changes to achieve vocal breaks. Each of the four vocal modes should be trained individually and in different ways. Remember to obey the three overall principles regardless of the mode.”