A lot of singers lack specific objectives when warming up their voice. Furthermore, there is this idea that there are vocal exercises that work wonders and guarantee fixing any issue. I believe this is oftentimes counterproductive and that it can lead to a great deal of frustration. My suggestion is this vocal warm-up cheat sheet instead.
Body balance and preparation
Your body is your instrument, and its state varies day to day. Wake-up your body, and as a golden rule, always check your posture and alignment before and during the vocal exercises.
Breath management
Your voice needs breath to sustain its sound. Your breathing muscles have to be strong and flexible at the same time, so include some breathing exercises into your practice every day.
Articulators workout
The tongue, lips, soft palate and jaw are actively involved in the production and quality of sound. Spare some time sorting out possible tensions. The goal is to be precise and agile without causing strain.
Warm-up vocalization
Any vocal exercise can be used as a warm-up if done correctly. Start light and easy and gradually work your way through your vocal range and intensity, without pushing your voice. Focus on the sensation of ease and relaxation and remember the goal is to prepare your voice for future vocal tasks.
Skill-building exercices
You can now target specific areas of your technique that are more demanding. In time, you’ll be able to sing the song you want, the way you want it.
A lot of singers lack specific objectives when warming up their voice. Furthermore, there is this idea that there are vocal exercises that work wonders and guarantee fixing any issue. I believe this is oftentimes counterproductive and that it can lead to a great deal of frustration. My suggestion is this vocal warm-up cheat sheet…
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